Monday, September 12, 2011

Red Stack: Planes

This post will analyze the power consumption per day per person due to plane travel

For this analysis, information from Amsterdam's Schiphol international airport and technical information from Boeing were used to aid in the calculations.

An estimated 43.6 million total passengers pass through Amsterdam's main airport annually.
33 % of those passengers are residents of the Netherlands.
Source :
 Schiphol international airport (click on 2009)

Figure 1. Passenger Profile Schiphol International Airport

Based on the total population of 16.5 million, the amount of flights a person from the Netherlands takes per year was estimated as follows:

[43,600,000]*[0.33] = 14,388,000 flights involving residents of the Netherlands per year
14,388,000/16,500,000 = 0.872 flights per year (avg resident takes 0.872 flights per year)

Figure 2. Passenger Movements

An air transport movement is any arrival or departure through the airport.
There are 30 different types of planes that carry passengers to and from this airport annually. For the sake of a quick estimate, the Boeing 737-800 was used due to it being the most used plane. It is a next generation plane and uses less energy than old school planes. To help offset this, an older plane (the Boeing 747-400) was used as well and the two were averaged together. (This is just an estimate but is adequate for this exercise).

Using the Boeing 737-800, the power usage per day was calculated as follows:

Passenger capacity: 2-class - 162     1-class - 189      Average: 175 passengers
Max fuel capacity: 6,875 U.S. gallons = 26,020 litres
Max range: 3,115 nautical miles = 5,765 km
Fuel (calorific value): 10 kWh/L (soure: McKay)

Assuming each person takes a round trip:

[2]*[26,020 L] / [175 passengers] * [10 kWh/L] = 2974 kWh/passenger per year

Because each citizen on average takes 0.872 flights per year:

[0.872]*[2974 kWh] / 365 days = 7.11 kWh/day

Using the Boeing 747-400, the power usage per day was calculated as follows:

Passenger capacity: 3-class - 416   2-class - 524     Average: 470 passengers
Max fuel capacity:  216,840 Litres
Max Range: 13,450 km

[2]*[216840 L] / [470 passengers] * 10 kWh/L = 9227

0.872*[9227 kWh] / 365 days = 22 kWh/day

Averaging the two together results in the estimated power consumed per day, per person is

14.55 kWh/day   
Sources for the Boeing 737-800 and 747-400 came from:

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