Friday, September 16, 2011

Green Stack: Wave

To find the theoretical energy of waves on the shore of the Netherlands the following calculations were done:

The Netherlands coastline is 450 km long and the population is 16.5 million people.
                  = (450 * 10^3) / (16.5 * 10^6) = .03 meters per person of coastline

The power density of the Atlantic Ocean is 40 kW/m
To calculate the raw incoming power...
                  = .03 m per person * 40 kW/m * 24 hours = 28.8 kWh/d per person

Assume that wave machines are 50% efficient and 50% of the coastline is used so overall 25% of the possible power is used.
                  = 28.8 * .25 = 7.2 kWh/d per person

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