Friday, September 16, 2011

Green Stack: Solar Heating

477 people/km^2 Source: Population density
The Netherlands has 7 million households that average 74 m^2 in size.
7 million * 74 m^2 = 518000000 m^2 = 518 km^2 of total area covered by houses.
around 50% of that could be used for solar panels.
= 259 km^2 of useable solar panel area

1000 W/m^2 of area oriented towards the sun. The Netherlands is located around the same latitude as the UK so McKay's assumptions could be used.

Intensity was reduced by 60 % and available daylight was not as bad as UK so the  average raw power of sunshine per square metre of south-facing roof in Britain is roughly 120W/m2, and the average raw power of sunshine per square metre of flat ground is roughly 110W/ m^2

Assume panels are 50 % efficient.

0.5(10m^2)(120W/m^2)/1000kW*24hr = 14.4 kWh

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