Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Red Stack: Lighting

Lighting was calculated using the same study based on K. Vringer & K. Blok's Energy policy 23  "The direct and Indirect Energy Requirements of Household in the Netherlands"
Based on the heating and cooling study of households in the Netherlands:

Heating and Lighting = 88.6 GJ which broke down as 51.7 GJ for electricity, 28.1 GJ natural gas, and 8.8 GJ for lights.

8.8*1000 = 8800 MJ = 2444.44 kWh/year

2444.44/365/2.3 = 2.9 kWh/day per person

This was very close to McKay's figures so the assumption that each person used 1.3 kWh/day at work was used.

2.9 + 1.3 = 4.2 kWh/day for lighting                                     

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