Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Green Stack: Wind

To find the theoretical power per unit area of wind in the Netherlands, the following information and calculations were used:

The average wind speed for the Netherlands is 11 mph

11 mph * 0.44704 = 5 m/s (Add 1.5 m/s to that number for effective velocity)

Average wind speed is 6.5 m/s

The density of air is 1.22 kg/m^3  (source: density of air)

Power per unit area of land = (50%[1/(2ρv^3 (π/4 d^2 ) )])/〖(5d)〗^2
                                          = π/400 ρv^3
                                          = π/400(1.22)(6.5)^3 = 2.63 W/m^2

Assume 5% of the available land can be used for wind power
                                          = .05*2.63 W/m^2 * (41500 * 10^6 m^2) * 10^-9 = 5.45 * 10^6 kW

Possible wind power per person, per day
                 = (5.45 * 10^6 kw) * 24 hours / (16.5 * 10^6 people) = 7.93 kWh/d per person

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