Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Part 2-4 Heating and Cooling Energy needs for the home

Qheat = (UA + mdot * Cpa) * HDD
Qcool, sensible = (UA + mdot * Cpa) * CDD
Qcool, latent = mdot * hfg * SUM(wb-wo)deltaT

Cp=0.2441 Btu/lb
mdot=211.8 lb/hr
hfg=970.34 Btu/lb

Qheat = (UA + mdot * Cpa) * HDD
          =[(337.24Btu/F*hr)+(211.8 lb/hr)*(0.2441Btu/lb*F)] * 7228F*day (24hr)
          = 67470199 Btu 

Qcool, sensible = (UA + mdot * Cpa) * CDD
                          = [(146.76Btu/F*hr)+(211.8 lb/hr)*(0.2441Btu/lb*F)]*1270*day(24hr)
                          =6049072 Btu

Qcool, latent = mdot * hfg * SUM(wb-wo)deltaT
                     = (211.8 lb/hr)(970.34 Btu/lb)(22.48 hr) = 4620045 Btu

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